6.1) By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all
Water, sanitation and hygiene are essential for human health, poverty elimination, and social and environmental well-being. The core activity of AquaFed’s members is to help governments meet Target 6.1 and 6.2. Extending services, and devising special pro-poor initiatives are underway in both developed and developing countries. In France, members (FP2E, Véolia, and Suez) are working with public authorities and local associations developing special tariffs and other systems to help people in economic difficulty to have secure water and sanitation services. Thousands of families have already benefitted from these. In countries including Morocco (LYDEC), Haiti (LYSA), and others, members have set up similar systems specifically to help people, with limited means, access services. They are also upgrading infrastructure and operating procedures to improve quality and extending reliable services to more and more people. Initiatives like this are helping millions of people worldwide. Other companies are involved in WASH in the workplace, an approach devised within WBCSD and now adopted by the UN Global Compact. Successes depend on Public Authorities working with Businesses. Between them they set specific targets for every case. Business can take the initiative and propose objectives. Legitimacy and leadership is given by governments.
6.3) By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and increasing recycling and safe reuse globally
Aquafed has a full "water cycle" approach to achieving the targets of SDG #6, which seeks to cover all aspects of the cycle from, "source to tap to source again." Aquafed and its members are involved in managing water pollution and recovering wastewater. An example of this is Aquapolo, a partnership between public organisations, SABESP, a private operator Odebrecht Amiental, and a consortium of Brazilian chemical companies. This project recovers wastewater from the city of São Paulo and de-pollutes it to a very high quality to provide feedstock for a multi-industry chemical complex. It saves water equivalent to the needs of 350,000 people every day, and the aim is to increase this value to 600,000.