8.1) Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances, and in particular at least 7% per annum GDP growth per annum in the least-developed countries
8.2) Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labor intensive sectors
For many growing markets, large and mega-construction projects like infrastructure and energy are a catalyst for rapid development.
Bechtel was granted mega engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracts for all three-liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects on Curtis Island in Australia. These contracts are the most common form of contract used to undergo construction works by the private sector. This project is the largest greenfield construction project in Bechtel’s century-long history.
The construction phase of these projects offered immediate employment opportunities and stimulated the local economy. These employment opportunities arose through Bechtel’s range of training programs, including a unique apprenticeship program. The apprenticeship program offered five trades focusing on training workers in areas such as electrical fitter mechanic; instrumentation and control; boiler making; sheet metal; mechanical fitting and carpentry formwork.
A Centralized Training Team delivered the program and was tasked to ensure consistency across all the projects. Establishing training facilities on the three projects provided greater flexibility between building capability on-the-job and learning in the classroom. Individual mentors and full-time site-based trainers provided the full range of training requirements for each apprentice to successfully complete their required modules, to gain their trade certificate and begin working as a tradesperson on these projects and beyond.
Bechtel also partnered with the National Apprenticeship Program (NAP) as well as Skills Tech (Australian federally funded training bodies) to deliver accredited training. As part of the program, Bechtel committed to deliver 400 apprenticeship opportunities across the three Curtis Island LNG Projects.
A few notable outcomes of the program include:
• 436 apprentices were employed across the projects during construction
• 239 were adult apprentices, sourced from the existing experienced labor pool, or were eligible to receive credit for recognized prior learning
• 116 were traditional youth apprentices after completing school studies
• 107 were existing employees looking to upskill into a trade
The apprentice completion rate of 94% far exceeded the national average completion rate of about 52%. This was attributed to, among others, the site training teams, individual training programs and recognition of prior learning to shorten training period.
In addition to these notable outcomes, 23,000 employees completed the enterprise’s accredited training courses during construction which elevated skills for future employment opportunities in the construction industry. Moreover, 72 training providers were also used in the program which significantly contributed to filing the skills gap in Australia’s construction industry.
Bechtel has significantly boosted Australia’s economic productivity and workforce development through local content policies and programs. Learn more here.
Small and medium sized enterprises in developing regions will play a crucial role in their countries’ development. Large international companies can provide the needed resources for these SMEs to grow. Google is helping local businesses to establish an online presence to increase their revenues. In India, Google helped SMEs by providing the mobile app “Google My Business.” The app allows businesses to create and manage their content for free on Google products in both Hindi and English.
In several African countries, up to 90% of urban and rural workers have informal jobs. On average, for all of Africa, 84% of women are informally employed compared to 63% of men. This informal sector is an under-estimated and under-recognized driver of local economic growth. ABZESOLAR S.A.’s ‘MAMA-LIGHT® Initiative for Sustainable Energy’ provides access to affordable energy for women, small business, and children. This empowers local and informal businesses, drives the generation of new jobs, and creates a sound basis for gender equality and women's empowerment. The ‘MAMA-LIGHT® Initiative’ will create 1000 cooperatives in combination with the Multifunction Platforms (MFPs) per country. It will provide 20,000 jobs per country and over 200,000 people will benefit in each area. ABZESOLAR S.A. also launched the Global Expertise Hub for the Informal Sector as a means of implementation of the 2030 Agenda. This Hub works with and on behalf of the informal sector. It brings together the Top Down actions and the Bottom Up needs and challenges in a structured and integrated manner.
PPL Corporation
PPL Corporation invests in technology and partnerships to help the U.S. electricity sector achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. In their mission to achieve this, PPL has joined Energy Impact Partners’ global investment platform, which brings together leading global companies and entrepreneurs to foster innovation toward a sustainable energy future. PPL will invest up to $50 million to this program to help accelerate the shift to a low-carbon energy system and implement commercial-scale solutions that are needed for an economy-wide decarbonization. PPL is an anchor sponsor of the collaboration between the Electric Power Research Institute and the Gas Technology Institute, aimed at conducting intensive and focused R&D in clean energy technologies.
PPL Electric Utilities supports collaborative, industry-wide research, spearheaded by the National Electric Energy Testing, Research and Application Center, including reliability analysis, power cable system design, and distribution system standards.
PPL company LG&E and KU have recently worked with the University of Kentucky on a megawatt-scale carbon capture pilot and are now collaborating with the Electric Power Research Institute on a large-scale energy storage project.
Lastly, PPL provides incentives to support economic development efforts like LG&E and KU’s Economic Development Rider—an incentive rate for existing industry expansions, new project locations, and redevelopment initiatives. PPL is committed to empowering communities through charitable funding worth millions of dollars and partnering with local communities for economic development, disaster readiness, and emergency preparedness.
PPL provides incentives to support economic development efforts. For example, LG&E and KU’s Economic Development Rider – an incentive rate for existing industry expansions, new project locations and redevelopment initiatives within the service area – continues to be recognized as an exemplary business attraction tool. They are also focused on empowering communities through charitable funding of more than $10 million in 2017 and partnering with their communities for economic development, disaster readiness and emergency preparedness.
The P&G Smallholders Program is a multi-year commitment by P&G as part of its Ambition 2030 environmental sustainability commitment. This Program allows independent smallholders in P&G’s Malaysian supply chain to improve sustainability practices by increasing yields from existing lands. Through P&G Center for Sustainable Small-Owners, a Center of Excellence under the Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation, the Program has trained 1263 smallholders in Johor on sustainability management, good agricultural practices and RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) Certification. The Program will expand to cover a footprint of 10,000 independent smallholders over the next 5 years until 2025.
8.3) Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial resources
In 2013, Walmart launched the platform Empowering Women Together (EWT) to provide opportunities to small businesses with less than $10 million in annual revenue that aim to economically empower women. Since then, the platform has offered 300 distinct products from 28 small businesses from multiple countries, including Nepal, Tanzania and Kenya.
Dell has launched EntrepreneursUNite in collaboration with the UN Foundation to ensure that SDG 8 is recognized as a priority by all Member States in the post-2015 development agenda. As the number one creators of new jobs, entrepreneurs and small businesses are the engine driving the global economy. EntrepreneursUNite is a movement to help entrepreneurs scale globally to create the jobs the world needs and advance the greatest innovations of our time. EntrepreneursUNite has gathered over 21,000 signatures in support of this initiative.
PPL Corporation
Since the 1920s, PPL has worked with its network of partners to locate hundreds of companies and thousands of jobs with attention to meeting local economic development needs. Most recently, PPL has played an integral role in the urban revitalization of Downtown Allentown, Pennsylvania, working alongside a coalition of business, community, and government partners to enable more than $1 billion in commercial development and the creation of 3,000 jobs.
Since 2000, PPL Companies LG&E and KU have helped create nearly 110,000 new jobs in Kentucky. The companies’ Economic Development team were honored by Site Selection Magazine for helping Kentucky create more than 80% of the 12,500 new jobs created in the state in 2013. In addition, LG&E and KU have created approximately 3,200 construction jobs across the country as part of its ongoing $6 billion investment environmental upgrade projects.
MasterCard established the MasterCard Center for Inclusive Growth as an independent subsidiary to empower people through inclusive growth. With a broad focus on long term equitable economic growth of countries and communities, the Center mobilizes MasterCard resources - including data, expertise, technology and philanthropic investments - to advance financial inclusion, engage leaders on the front lines of inclusive growth and connect one million micro-entrepreneurs to the formal economy by 2020.
Nestlé’s program for preparing the next generation of farmers by developing young people’s agricultural and business skills and making farming an attractive and viable career option.
In 2012, Nestlé started the Farmer Connect programme, to help inspire, train and enable the next generation of 'agripreneurs' − to give them the knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial spirit they need to manage farms in the 21st century.
Nestlé supports young entrepreneurs by helping them start and grow their business. Entrepreneurs are not only the innovators who can help us find solution to business challenges. Their vision, products and services can have the power to change the world. In 2018, Nestlé launched the Social Investment Accelerator program to help young social entrepreneurs gain access to finance. Created in partnership with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, designed and led by Ashoka, the programme aims to create growth and opportunity for young people worldwide, through finding the right types of financing for their business.
8.4) Improve progressively through 2030 global resource efficiency in consumption and production, and endeavor to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation in accordance with the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production with developed countries taking the lead
Walmart encourages suppliers to report through the Sustainability Index, a science-based, thirdparty tool developed by The Sustainability Consortium in collaboration with universities, NGOs and suppliers. The Index includes data from suppliers on key environmental, social and other performance indicators at the category level. The Index reflects responses from more than 1,500 unique suppliers covering 115 categories and departments across Walmart U.S. and Sam’s Club U.S. Walmart set a goal in 2012 to buy 70% of U.S. goods from suppliers that participate in the Index. That goal was met in 2017, and in 2018, more than 80% of such goods came from participating suppliers. Walmart and Sam’s Club U.S. suppliers have improved their Sustainability Index scores by 28% compared with 2016.
Novozymes emphasizes sustainable production internally by setting targets for operational eco-efficiency. Since 2009, we have successfully decoupled absolute water and energy consumption from business growth. At several of our production sites, we have installed biogas reactors to utilize wastewater, creating carbon and energy savings.
At Novozymes and within our supply chain, human and labour rights are respected and promoted. We generate direct value for the economies in which we operate through the purchase of goods and services from suppliers, the payment of wages and pensions to our employees, various types of taxes and duties to the community, and dividends and financial costs to our capital providers.
8.5) By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value
“Committed to skilling people”
As part of its corporate citizenship initiative “Skills to Succeed”, Accenture advances employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for individuals around the globe, leveraging digital innovation to drive impact at scale.
The company addresses—at scale—the global need for skills that open doors to employment and economic opportunity. To date, along with its strategic partners, Accenture has equipped more than 2.8 million people with the skills to get a job or build a business. The goal is 3 million people by the end of 2020.
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The Adecco Group Work-Based Learning Offer
The Adecco Group France created a recruitment solution based on the creation of skills, called “La Grande Ecole de l’Alternance” − a “school without walls”. By bringing together the needs of companies, the expertise of training partners and the career aspirations of youngsters and job seekers, The Adecco Group France puts together work−based training solutions tailored to address scarcity of competencies in high demand.
Launched in 2015, it has allowed The Adecco Group France to put to work over 12,000 persons in 3 years.
In 2018, 85% of individuals who completed their work−based learning programs were still in employment 12 months after. There was only 8% drop−out at national level.
The Coca-Cola Company
The Coca-Cola Company committed to enable the economic empowerment of 5 million women across its global value chain by 2020. This initiative, called 5by20, launched in 2010. By the end of 2013, 5by20 had enabled more than 550,000 women in 44 countries around the world. Coca-Cola is working across the Golden Triangle of business, government and civil society to bring its unique areas of expertise, reach and skills to make progress in this important area.
In February, Chevron announced a $5 million grant to Catalyst, a global nonprofit advancing workplace gender equality with whom they partnered in 2016 to launch the Men Advocating Real Change (MARC) global program. The grant, the largest Catalyst has received in its more than 50-year history, will allow the organization to continue its groundbreaking research, programming, products and events aimed at accelerating gender inclusion across all industry workforces.
The Business Case
The expansion of the Hilton brand across the world has necessitates engaging skilled individuals to manage portfolios including front office, kitchen staff and management staff, amongst other functional areas. However, finding this talent has become increasingly challenging, especially in locations where existing infrastructure for training is lacking, or at an inferior quality.5 To transcend this challenge, the Hilton Global Apprenticeship program serves as an in−house platform to equip individuals with the right attitude and values, with skills to succeed at Hilton. Developed alongside City & Guilds, which certifies that program, the Hilton training program offers an individual the opportunity to pursue a career at Hilton, not only in food and beverages, but other areas within the hospitality industry.
Thanks to Microsoft’s many partners around the world, the company has made important progress towards closing the skills and employability gap, but it is just getting started. In FY19, through more than 123 partnerships with nonprofits and NGOs across 42 countries, the enterprise reached 15 million young people with quality digital skills experiences and computer science education, helping to ensure we prepare them to pursue today’s jobs and tomorrow’s opportunities. Microsoft’s grantees have trained more than 180,000 teachers to teach computer science, equipping them with the skills and resources to reach millions of students with high-quality, inclusive CS education. Over 50% of the individuals served through Microsoft partner-funded programs are female, and more than 80% are from underserved communities. In strengthening the ability of nonprofit organizations and schools to offer computer science education and AI skills, Microsoft generates excitement and demand for computer science education, as well as helping more students and workers adapt to the digital economy and changing workplace.
Microsoft Apprenticeship Program in the UK
Microsoft launched its apprenticeship program in 2010 with three main objectives: help more people access digital careers, enable employers to widen their talent pool, and by extension, address critical shortages of digital specialists. More than ten years later, and with over 25,000 apprenticeship starts delivered by Microsoft Learning Partners, the program has been established as a mature and proven model. It is delivering a valuable talent acquisition option for employers and an attractive career strategy for new entrants.
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Youth unemployment is one of the greatest challenges across the world and a major contributor to global poverty.
Nestlé recognizes the role that the private sector can play to provide young people with professional development opportunities and promising career pathways. Through the Nestlé needs Youth Initiative, Nestlé aims to help 10 million young people to access economic opportunities by 2030.
The Alliance for YOUth
The “Alliance for YOUth” was created in 2014, in Europe by Nestlé as a platform to join forces with private sector companies and work together for youth employability. Through this regional alliance, many initiatives were born in order to give young people meaningful first work experiences and internships.
Following the great success achieved in Europe, the Alliance for YOUth was launched in Latin America in 2017. First, in the Pacific Alliance countries (Chile, Colombia, Mexico & Peru) followed by Mercosur in 2018 (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay & Uruguay).
Most recently, as a result of the regional success achieved, Nestlé and 21 private sector global companies have launched in 2019 the Global Alliance for YOUth in the context of The World Economic Forum. The Global Alliance for YOUth is a business−driven movement of like−minded organizations passionate about working together to help young people around the globe get the necessary skills to thrive in the world of work, today and tomorrow.
Learn more here
People are − and have always been at the heart of Randstad’s business. To support the development of skills that match the needs of the rapidly evolving workplace, Randstad initiated diverse programs towards building the skills and talent of youth across the world. Some of these programs are detailed below.
Randstad Australia
There are over 250,0002 young people who are not engaged in education, training or employment. The country’s youth unemployment rate is more than double the national average of 5.3%, at a concerning 11.8% (source: lLO stats, 2018). Randstad Shaping Young Futures Program was launched in April 2015 to help young unemployed Australians develop their job seeking skills and to connect them with organizations willing to invest in the talent force of the future.
Randstad Argetina
Randstad Argentina is well aware of the huge problem young adults (18−24) have in finding their first employment. To make things worse, 60% of informal jobs are carried out by this group, which further complicates their career chances.
For this reason, Randstad Argentina organizes diverse initiatives to help these youngsters find their first job. Randstad’s corporate volunteering program enables Randstad employees to train vulnerable groups, giving them tips, do’s and don’ts, and other important information on how to build their résumé, deal with interviews, and where to look for jobs. This training program is called ‘My first Job’.
Randstad Italy
To attract the best people on the market, Randstad ltaly focuses on the millennials target group for the events, workshops and seminars it organizes. The diverse initiatives also aim to mitigate the youth unemployment in ltaly. Some of these initiatives include: Allenarsi per il Futuro, LabOrientificio, ScopriTalenti and The Family & Friends project.
Randstad Netherlands
Champs on Stage is a partnership between Randstad Netherlands, McKinsey, and the American Chamber of Commerce, supported by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. lts main objective is to reduce the number of high−school dropouts − an essential element in fighting youth unemployment. Through Champs on Stage initiatives and internships, students are introduced to a wide range of career options and learn about the personal skills they will need in the labor market. As a result, students are better able to make the right choices in higher education, and to complete their studies successfully.
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Apprenticeships and Work Based Learning Programs are deeply rooted within the history of UBS. Currently, UBS has around 2'700 young people enrolled in one of its junior talent programs globally, ranging from apprentices to university graduates and being largely stable over the past five years. Working with apprentices and graduates gives valuable insight into the mindset and needs of the next generation of employees, and clients, whilst also providing a pipeline of talent to support the business of UBS and to developing its workforce of the future. UBS constantly evolves the offering and approach to Junior Talents knowing that their career aspirations are also evolving.
UBS has implemented diverse training programs for students and school leavers. For students, training opportunities include internships and graduate talent programs available globally. In addition, MBA and veterans associate programs are offered in the United States. School leavers benefit from multiple apprenticeship programs such as: apprenticeship in banking, the 18 month bank entry program for secondary school graduates (BEM), and IT training programs in Switzerland. UBS offers similar programs in other regions of the world, for example, the UK apprenticeship program for school leavers, and the four−year cadet program for high school graduates in Australia who will work at UBS during their entire university education in Front Office and Corporate Center functions.
1'700 candidates get hired at UBS every year. UBS has a strong focus on targeting, attracting and hiring a diverse junior workforce. At the end of the program, UBS matches the alumni with the team most suitable to continue their career at UBS. Around three quarters of the apprentices and trainees remain with the bank after their training is complete and many of them assume key roles over time. To further nurture the talent pipeline in Switzerland, UBS has established a two−year development program for high performing individuals from the apprenticeship in banking and BEM program. Participants acquire specialist know−how, enhanced social and methodological skills, and intense foreign language training.
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Dual Vocational Training for the Insurance Industry
In Spain, unemployment, with a particularly high rate of 35% of youth unemployment, is a key concern for Zurich and reflected in where they focus their activities related to Corporate Responsibility. The three initiatives sponsored by the Z Zurich Foundation currently running in Spain are Junior Achievement, Dual Vocational Training for the Insurance Industry, and Get Ready for Life. They all aim to address YOUTH EMPOWERMENT and therefore positively influence the issue of youth unemployment.
The Dual Vocational Training for the Insurance Industry program was developed by Zurich and approved by the local Government, and is running in three high schools. In its third year, they currently have 85 students participating.
Young Professionals Assignment ("YPA")
The Young Professionals Assignment ("YPA") program is an exchange program Zurich offers its graduates. Eligibility is based on performance and the decision to opt for a permanent position at Zurich. The YPA program allows graduates to complete a Zurich-financed language course in the form of a BEC Higher Diploma and to work for Zurich in Ireland (Dublin) for two months. In cooperation with Zurich Ireland, it was successfully run for the second time this year, and will be offered again to five Zurich Switzerland apprentices next year.
During the exchange program, Zurich not only supports its graduates by helping them to learn the language and broaden their professional knowledge, but also by sponsoring the flights, and reimbursing host families for accommodation and meals Graduates also receive a daily allowance for other expenses such as lunch, bus tickets and evening activities
Zurich Ireland Apprenticeship
In 2015, Zurich Ireland, along with their educational partner, the Insurance Institute of Ireland, submitted an application to the Apprenticeship Council of Ireland to create a national and industry-wide professional apprenticeship program. Little did they know that it would go on to be the first new apprenticeship program in the country in more than 50 years, and the first ever level 8 apprenticeship in Ireland.
Zurich Ireland are the largest employer of apprentices in insurance in Ireland. Since 2016, when they first introduced the program, they have hired 25 apprentices into their Wexford Office, the first of whom will graduate this November with a BA Honors in Insurance Practice. The graduating class of 2019 has surpassed all expectations with more than 50% achieving a First Class Honors. The program is generating a new and exciting generation of talent for the industry.
Learn more here
8.6) By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training
“Committed to skilling people”
As part of its corporate citizenship initiative “Skills to Succeed”, Accenture advances employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for individuals around the globe, leveraging digital innovation to drive impact at scale.
The company addresses—at scale—the global need for skills that open doors to employment and economic opportunity. To date, along with its strategic partners, Accenture has equipped more than 2.8 million people with the skills to get a job or build a business. The goal is 3 million people by the end of 2020.
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A lack of experience is one of the main barriers for young people to boost their employability and access the world of work. Temporary work, internships, work experience schemes and apprenticeships can help youngsters to take their first step onto the career ladder. They can start to build up that much−needed experience through a variety of jobs. It’s all about improving their employability. That’s where Adecco comes in − aiming to help to bridge this skills mismatch by providing guidance and training, delivered through its flagship programs, CEO for One Month and Experience Work Day, designed to provide insight and experience on skills vital to work.
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In March 2014, the Citi Foundation launched Pathways to Progress, an effort to boost the career readiness of 100,000 young people in 10 major cities across the United States. This signature initiative builds upon Citi and the Citi Foundation’s longtime efforts to support youth economic opportunity through college savings and readiness programs, by directly addressing the root causes of youth unemployment. The company partners with a wide range of stakeholders including urban policymakers, private sector organizations and community leaders nationwide, the program identifies and recruits promising young people from low-income families to take part in entrepreneurship training, leadership and service opportunities, mentoring relationships and summer jobs. In the first year, nearly 25,000 youth have already benefited from Pathways to Progress.
Gap Inc.
Gap Inc.’s job training and internship program, This Way Ahead, provides low-income teens and young adults with the skills, training, and experience to succeed at work. Since launching the program in 2007, more than 2,000 teens and young adults have received job training through This Way Ahead, with a goal to have 10,000 youth participants by 2020. The program is run in close partnership with youth-serving community partners in over 50 cities across the US, Canada, UK + Japan Participants are recruited through non-profit partners, and attend workshops led by store volunteers on topics such as decision-making, goal setting, presentations, and conflict resolution. Graduates of the program can apply for paid internships in Gap Inc. stores, where they can apply their skills right away. Gap Inc. stores have hired many of the interns who have completed the program, and this group has stayed on the job twice as long as their peers and scored 10 percent higher on employee engagement surveys. One hundred percent of This Way Ahead graduates have reported gains in maturity, conflict resolution and leadership. At the same time, volunteers who have mentored participants have enhanced their own skills and become more motivated to advance their own careers.
In 2014, Hilton committed to opening doors for at least one million young people by 2019 by connecting, preparing or employing them. In the hospitality industry there is not only a skills gap but also an information gap, with minimal exposure to the nature and extent of meaningful careers in hospitality—which is why Hilton created diverse youth initiatives, including an annual event, Careers@hilton, to help young people understand and experience the career opportunities offered in the hospitality industry.
The Business Case
The expansion of the Hilton brand across the world has necessitates engaging skilled individuals to manage portfolios including front office, kitchen staff and management staff, amongst other functional areas. However, finding this talent has become increasingly challenging, especially in locations where existing infrastructure for training is lacking, or at an inferior quality.5 To transcend this challenge, the Hilton Global Apprenticeship program serves as an in−house platform to equip individuals with the right attitude and values, with skills to succeed at Hilton. Developed alongside City & Guilds, which certifies that program, the Hilton training program offers an individual the opportunity to pursue a career at Hilton, not only in food and beverages, but other areas within the hospitality industry.
Thanks to Microsoft’s many partners around the world, the company has made important progress towards closing the skills and employability gap, but it is just getting started. In FY19, through more than 123 partnerships with nonprofits and NGOs across 42 countries, the enterprise reached 15 million young people with quality digital skills experiences and computer science education, helping to ensure we prepare them to pursue today’s jobs and tomorrow’s opportunities. Microsoft’s grantees have trained more than 180,000 teachers to teach computer science, equipping them with the skills and resources to reach millions of students with high-quality, inclusive CS education. Over 50% of the individuals served through Microsoft partner-funded programs are female, and more than 80% are from underserved communities. In strengthening the ability of nonprofit organizations and schools to offer computer science education and AI skills, Microsoft generates excitement and demand for computer science education, as well as helping more students and workers adapt to the digital economy and changing workplace.
There is a growing skills gap that is impacting both employees and employers.
AI is displacing some jobs, creating new ones, and changing others. Not only does this impact employability prospects for individuals, it has a systemic effect on the ability of companies and industries to find workers with the digital skills they need. To address this, we must change both the way people are educated and trained, and the way companies hire and support employees throughout their careers. By 2030, up to 800 million people will need to learn new skills for their jobs due to automation, 54% of all employees will require significant reskilling in the next two years and 2/3 of students will work in jobs that don’t exist yet. To meet this challenge, Microsoft is investing its resources and its voice to equip people unreached or displaced by technology with the computing and AI skills needed to gain employment in the digital economy.
Microsoft Apprenticeship Program in the UK
Microsoft launched its apprenticeship program in 2010 with three main objectives: help more people access digital careers, enable employers to widen their talent pool, and by extension, address critical shortages of digital specialists. More than ten years later, and with over 25,000 apprenticeship starts delivered by Microsoft Learning Partners, the program has been established as a mature and proven model. It is delivering a valuable talent acquisition option for employers and an attractive career strategy for new entrants.
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Nestlé wants to equip the next generation with the necessary skills in order to thrive in the world of work and help young people become inspiring leaders, successful agripreneurs, entrepreneurs and game−changers, regardless of their field or level of expertise.
Nestlé Needs YOUth
In 2013, Netlé launched the Nestlé needs YOUth initiative in Europe, as a response to the high youth unemployment rates, at the time, in the region. As a result of its impact, the initiative expanded in 2017 globally and across the entire value chain − from Operations and Supply, to agriculture and innovation.
Employment and Employability
Providing young people with the right skills, apprenticeships, training opportunities and by hiring young people
Since the beginning of the initiative, Nestlé has provided thousands of first work experiences, apprenticeships and on−the−job training opportunities around the world.
With the engagement and support of Nestlé volunteers, Nestlé has organized thousands of “readiness for work” events across the world.
Generating powerful alliances with the private sector, through the Alliance for YOUth and with governments, recognized institutions and academia.
Nestlé’s program for preparing the next generation of farmers by developing young people’s agricultural and business skills and making farming an attractive and viable career option.
In 2012, Nestlé started the Farmer Connect programme, to help inspire, train and enable the next generation of 'agripreneurs' − to give them the knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial spirit they need to manage farms in the 21st century.
The Alliance for YOUth
The “Alliance for YOUth” was created in 2014, in Europe by Nestlé as a platform to join forces with private sector companies and work together for youth employability. Through this regional alliance, many initiatives were born in order to give young people meaningful first work experiences and internships.
Following the great success achieved in Europe, the Alliance for YOUth was launched in Latin America in 2017. First, in the Pacific Alliance countries (Chile, Colombia, Mexico & Peru) followed by Mercosur in 2018 (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay & Uruguay).
Most recently, as a result of the regional success achieved, Nestlé and 21 private sector global companies have launched in 2019 the Global Alliance for YOUth in the context of The World Economic Forum. The Global Alliance for YOUth is a business−driven movement of like−minded organizations passionate about working together to help young people around the globe get the necessary skills to thrive in the world of work, today and tomorrow.
Learn more here
People are − and have always been at the heart of Randstad’s business. To support the development of skills that match the needs of the rapidly evolving workplace, Randstad initiated diverse programs towards building the skills and talent of youth across the world. Some of these programs are detailed below.
Randstad Australia
There are over 250,0002 young people who are not engaged in education, training or employment. The country’s youth unemployment rate is more than double the national average of 5.3%, at a concerning 11.8% (source: lLO stats, 2018). Randstad Shaping Young Futures Program was launched in April 2015 to help young unemployed Australians develop their job seeking skills and to connect them with organizations willing to invest in the talent force of the future.
Randstad Argetina
Randstad Argentina is well aware of the huge problem young adults (18−24) have in finding their first employment. To make things worse, 60% of informal jobs are carried out by this group, which further complicates their career chances.
For this reason, Randstad Argentina organizes diverse initiatives to help these youngsters find their first job. Randstad’s corporate volunteering program enables Randstad employees to train vulnerable groups, giving them tips, do’s and don’ts, and other important information on how to build their résumé, deal with interviews, and where to look for jobs. This training program is called ‘My first Job’.
Randstad Italy
To attract the best people on the market, Randstad ltaly focuses on the millennials target group for the events, workshops and seminars it organizes. The diverse initiatives also aim to mitigate the youth unemployment in ltaly. Some of these initiatives include: Allenarsi per il Futuro, LabOrientificio, ScopriTalenti and The Family & Friends project.
Randstad Netherlands
Champs on Stage is a partnership between Randstad Netherlands, McKinsey, and the American Chamber of Commerce, supported by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. lts main objective is to reduce the number of high−school dropouts − an essential element in fighting youth unemployment. Through Champs on Stage initiatives and internships, students are introduced to a wide range of career options and learn about the personal skills they will need in the labor market. As a result, students are better able to make the right choices in higher education, and to complete their studies successfully.
Learn more here
Apprenticeships and Work Based Learning Programs are deeply rooted within the history of UBS. Currently, UBS has around 2'700 young people enrolled in one of its junior talent programs globally, ranging from apprentices to university graduates and being largely stable over the past five years. Working with apprentices and graduates gives valuable insight into the mindset and needs of the next generation of employees, and clients, whilst also providing a pipeline of talent to support the business of UBS and to developing its workforce of the future. UBS constantly evolves the offering and approach to Junior Talents knowing that their career aspirations are also evolving.
UBS has implemented diverse training programs for students and school leavers. For students, training opportunities include internships and graduate talent programs available globally. In addition, MBA and veterans associate programs are offered in the United States. School leavers benefit from multiple apprenticeship programs such as: apprenticeship in banking, the 18 month bank entry program for secondary school graduates (BEM), and IT training programs in Switzerland. UBS offers similar programs in other regions of the world, for example, the UK apprenticeship program for school leavers, and the four−year cadet program for high school graduates in Australia who will work at UBS during their entire university education in Front Office and Corporate Center functions.
1'700 candidates get hired at UBS every year. UBS has a strong focus on targeting, attracting and hiring a diverse junior workforce. At the end of the program, UBS matches the alumni with the team most suitable to continue their career at UBS. Around three quarters of the apprentices and trainees remain with the bank after their training is complete and many of them assume key roles over time. To further nurture the talent pipeline in Switzerland, UBS has established a two−year development program for high performing individuals from the apprenticeship in banking and BEM program. Participants acquire specialist know−how, enhanced social and methodological skills, and intense foreign language training.
Learn more here
Dual Vocational Training for the Insurance Industry
In Spain, unemployment, with a particularly high rate of 35% of youth unemployment, is a key concern for Zurich and reflected in where they focus their activities related to Corporate Responsibility. The three initiatives sponsored by the Z Zurich Foundation currently running in Spain are Junior Achievement, Dual Vocational Training for the Insurance Industry, and Get Ready for Life. They all aim to address YOUTH EMPOWERMENT and therefore positively influence the issue of youth unemployment.
The Dual Vocational Training for the Insurance Industry program was developed by Zurich and approved by the local Government, and is running in three high schools. In its third year, they currently have 85 students participating.
Young Professionals Assignment ("YPA")
The Young Professionals Assignment ("YPA") program is an exchange program Zurich offers its graduates. Eligibility is based on performance and the decision to opt for a permanent position at Zurich. The YPA program allows graduates to complete a Zurich-financed language course in the form of a BEC Higher Diploma and to work for Zurich in Ireland (Dublin) for two months. In cooperation with Zurich Ireland, it was successfully run for the second time this year, and will be offered again to five Zurich Switzerland apprentices next year.
During the exchange program, Zurich not only supports its graduates by helping them to learn the language and broaden their professional knowledge, but also by sponsoring the flights, and reimbursing host families for accommodation and meals Graduates also receive a daily allowance for other expenses such as lunch, bus tickets and evening activities
Zurich Ireland Apprenticeship
In 2015, Zurich Ireland, along with their educational partner, the Insurance Institute of Ireland, submitted an application to the Apprenticeship Council of Ireland to create a national and industry-wide professional apprenticeship program. Little did they know that it would go on to be the first new apprenticeship program in the country in more than 50 years, and the first ever level 8 apprenticeship in Ireland.
Zurich Ireland are the largest employer of apprentices in insurance in Ireland. Since 2016, when they first introduced the program, they have hired 25 apprentices into their Wexford Office, the first of whom will graduate this November with a BA Honors in Insurance Practice. The graduating class of 2019 has surpassed all expectations with more than 50% achieving a First Class Honors. The program is generating a new and exciting generation of talent for the industry.
Learn more here
8.7) Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms
With Intel’s purchasing power and policies, we help our suppliers contribute to the achievement of goal 8 in particular. Our efforts are designed to protect vulnerable workers throughout the global supply chain, and include setting clear supplier expectations; investing in assessments, audits, and capability-building programs; and collectively addressing issues through our leadership in the Responsible Business Association (RBA), co-founding the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and Responsible Labor Initiative (RLI). Since 2013, we have manufactured microprocessors that are responsibly sourced for tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold. As we look to the next decade, we aim to expand our efforts beyond conflict minerals to cover all minerals used in semiconductor manufacturing and apply the learnings to lead our industry in creating new sourcing standards. Over the past decade, we have directly engaged with our suppliers to ensure compliance and build capacity to address risks of forced and bonded labor and other human rights issues. As a result of our efforts, our suppliers have returned over $23 million in fees to workers since 2014.
The Walt Disney company
Disney’s Code of Conduct for Manufacturers explicitly prohibits the use of child labor, forced labor and other exploitative labor practices consistent with International Labour Organization core conventions. Disney has been conducting onsite inspections for child labor and forced labor since 1996. In 2009, Disney released a policy statement restricting the use of Uzbek cotton and since then continues to participate in the Cotton Campaign’s multi-stakeholder working group to combat forced labor in the Uzbek cotton supply chain. In 2014, Disney funded a project with the Centre for Child Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility in China to build and improve the capacity of local organizations in identifying and remediating child labor in factories.
8.8) Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment
Microsoft developed and sponsored an e-learning tool in collaboration with End Human Trafficking Now and UN.GIFT. The online training program is created for business leaders, managers and employees to help them understand what human trafficking is, identify where it poses a risk to their business, and point to actions they can take to address this risk. As such, the collaboration proactively supports the rule of law by advancing international standards.
In 2017, Bechtel became a founding member of the Building Responsibly initiative. This coalition is comprised of leading global Engineering & Construction (E&C) companies dedicated to improving employee welfare as well as promoting standards, policies and practices to more effectively elevate the “whole-of-industry.” Members of the coalition share deep knowledge and practical insights to set a common standard to protect workers around the world.
Building Responsibly launched 10 Worker Welfare Principles in 2018 to engage subcontractors, governments, and other industry stakeholders around critical areas of worker vulnerability. A year later, Building Responsibly launched a series of Guidance Notes to help the coalition’s members implement the Principles. These notes were developed through drawings of E&C members’ unique experiences, supported by inputs from human rights NGOs, corporations, international organizations, civil society and other groups. In October 2019, Building Responsibly convened in London to unveil the Guidance Notes and start promoting its implementation.
Since the Principles and corresponding Notes are also aligned with international human rights standards, such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the ILO Core Labor Standards, any organization can adopt and implement them.
The Principles and Guidance Notes are integral to Bechtel’s 2030 enterprise sustainability goals and targets, as the company is committed to helping advance employee welfare and achieve safety, productivity and responsible engagement with all stakeholders.
Learn more about the Building Responsibly coalition here.
The Walt Disney Company
Since 2012, Disney's supply chain investment program has given nearly $8 million to human rights organizations to promote safe and secure working conditions for workers in the global manufacturing sector. In Sao Paulo, Brazil, approximately 27,000 factory workers benefited from practical and immediate health and safety improvements made with Disney’s support. In a separate project through HERfinance, a factory-based financial literacy training for women garment workers, led to improved worker perceptions of their workplaces and managers in Bangalore and New Delhi, India. In 2014, Disney funded a project to promote ethical recruitment practices to prevent forced labor among migrant workers in the Philippines and Japan, as well as four additional projects to promote labor rights and safe working conditions for factory workers in China and Turkey.
Pirelli is committed to promoting use of the most advanced technologies to achieve excellence in occupational health and safety and environmental protection; not using or supporting the use of child labour and forced labour; and compliance with applicable laws and industry standards on working hours and ensuring that wages shall be sufficient to meet the basic needs of personnel. Pirelli has already achieved a 73% decrease in injury frequency (compared with 2009) and expects to achieve a 90% reduction through its 2013-2017 sustainability plan. This target will be reached thanks to investments in increasingly safer equipment plus programs to reinforce the culture of security among Pirelli's employees.
Levi Strauss & Co.
There are a number of actions LS&Co. takes to ensure its suppliers meet and exceed its standards, including: maintaining a comprehensive monitoring program, and integrating TOE into the business by assigning every LS&Co. supplier a TOE rating that, weighted with other key factors, is used in considering which suppliers to use and how much production to give them. In addition, LS&Co. recognized an opportunity to go beyond compliance, and, in 2011, launched the Worker Well-being initiative as part of the company’s commitment to creating a more sustainable supply chain. Through thisinitiative, LS&Co. partners with its suppliers and local organizations to implement worker programs focused on worker needs, including financial empowerment, health and family well-being and equality and acceptance. Since 2011, the program has expanded to 17 countries and reached 200,000 workers.
8.9) By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism which creates jobs, promotes local culture and products
8.10) Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all
Ericsson has worked with public and private entities to improve mobile banking in developing regions. In 2014, Ericsson partnered with ASBANC, Peru’s National Bank Association, to develop the Mobile Money project, an initiative that would ensure financial inclusion for members of the unbanked population. Their user-friendly platform, termed as a “mobile wallet,” hosts a variety of financial and commercial services, allowing for banking, payments or remittances.
Means of Implementation
8.A) Increase Aid for Trade support for developing countries, particularly LDCs, including through the Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to LDCs
8.B) By 2020, develop and operationalize a global strategy for youth employment and implement the Global Jobs Pact of the International Labour Organization
Nestlé Needs YOUth
In 2013, Nestlé launched the Nestlé needs YOUth initiative in Europe, as a response to the high youth unemployment rates, at the time, in the region. As a result of its impact, the initiative expanded in 2017 globally and across the entire value chain − from Operations and Supply, to agriculture and innovation.