9.C)   Significantly increase access to ICT and strive to provide universal and affordable access to internet in LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS by 2020

TTNET, Turkey’s leading Internet service provider, is committed to increasing access to the Internet and education in Turkey. TTNET’s initiative “Internet 4All” creates strong incentives for going digital through discounted Internet and other valuable services. The program aims to reach 140,000 new subscribers in the country. It also hopes to strengthen the company’s growth by increasing Internet literacy and widening the base of Internet users in Turkey. And to increase access to education, TTNET is providing its educational subscription service “Vitamin” to new subscribers free of charge. The Vitamin platform features science, math, Turkish and social sciences for grades 4-12. Internet 4All, in collaboration with UNDP Turkey, the Habitat Development Association, and the Turkish Government, also includes Internet literacy training. The training is targeted at women over the age of 35 in 20 of Turkey’s most underdeveloped cities. A projected 30,000 households will access the Vitamin platform, enabling both young and old to strengthen their knowledge in many subject areas through dynamic learning tools. An additional 12,000 disadvantaged people will benefit from Internet literacy training; the goal is for 90 per cent of these trainees to be women who are either retired or unemployed.